Oh joy to the world. After four, that's right, count 'em, four months, my laptop has finally been returned to me in fully functioning form. Shocking. On my ventures to re-familiarize myself with the old chum, I re-discovered a few unpublished blog entries wasting away and figured I should post them before they become obsolete. Aqui tienes one of several squished together.
Weekends...what's not to love about them? (Besides the dreaded Monday mornings that always come afterwards.) Here are few things I've been up to these past few fines de semana:
+PLATJA. Capital letters because I basically spend as much time here as possible. I already detailed a bit about the perils of beaching it here, but otherwise, it has been wonderful soaking in the sunshine to the tune of the lapping Mediterranean waves. And finally adding some semblance of color to my translucent skin hasn't been too shabby either. Albino-ism be gone.
+Mercat del Encants. Flea market madness. This place is legit. Not exactly classy souvenir worthy as I had hoped (unless all of you want used rolls of deodorant, whole porcelain bidets, or rusted hatchets, probably none of which are even from Spain), but jammed packed with deliciously authentic hustle and bustle. All the things you wouldn't ever think to buy plus more.
+RCD Espanyol 1, Zaragoza 1. I was under the impression I was going to a real FC Barça futbol game, but alas, it was only RCD Espanyol. I should have known Barça tickets don't come free (even UNICEF can't spot me). Regardless, Ellie hooked me up with a ticket and we went with three of her German friends, who were all amazed that I managed to stay entertained for the entirety of the game without consuming any alcohol. Ellie nearly fell asleep and the guys kept complaining about how bored they were. Laaame. I thought it was fun! I would like to go to a Barça game before I leave though. Also, who's down to go to a billion Padres games this summer? Yeahhhh.

Eh, more to come assured. In the meantime, I'm starting to freak out just a little bit over the fact that I'm coming home very soon...ahh!
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