If there were two pictures that expressly epitomized Sierra and my relationship, these would be it: (feel free to click and enlarge)
It's funny that Sierra and I have technically known each other since the sixth grade (probably funnier had we pictures to prove it). While we were never mortal enemies, we somehow weren't friends either. Looking back and reflecting on all of our quirky commonalities, past and present, we stand amazed that it took us eight years to finally discover the kindred spirits in us (yes, we quote Anne of Green Gables, among many other novels devoured during childhood, shamelessly; sometimes we even quiz each other...). After high school, us small town hicks continued crossing paths as we both ended up rather unwilling at UCSD (coincidentally, we both wanted to go to DC). Our lives were seemingly intertwined and bound by a thread of inevitability; Eleanor Roosevelt College-->InterVarsity Fellowship-->IV ERC Freshman Bible Study...heck, even our dorm buildings were right next to each other.
This blog entry would equal the length of a full set of encyclopedias were I to list even a selection of all we have shared since then. But in short (well, sort of), a flurry of divine providence and spring quarter extravaganzas freshman year catalyzed the plethora of events that compose our history, which continues as we speak. People thought we were inseparable last year, we may as well have been physically attached at the hip, serving some amazing freshmen on IV Dorm Team with 21 other incredible Bible Study leaders, living in the most frequently visited second-year apartment (I recall hardly going to anyone else's apartment because everyone was always over at ours! Who could blame them...), essentially joint-owning Frankers, attending church and well, pretty much everything else together every week...clearly, our audiences and fan clubs didn't realize how much more lay ahead though.
Since then, we have left America in our dust (the sparkly glitter stuff is Sierra's) and trekked across few a states and an ocean. Together, of course. [Our decisions to come here were certainly made separately and individually though. Don't worry, we're not psychotically co-dependent.] And here we are, half-way around the world, reveling in a myriad of adventures, and sharing memories of lifetime durability. Not only are we in Spain together, we actually share a room and it has been like a ridiculous five month-long sleepover.
Granted, we definitely had to face and work through some serious muck the first month we moved into our apartment. But as we have discovered, the imperfections and struggles have resulted in the priceless refinement and strengthening our friendship. Sorry, if your stomach is churning at the sappiness, but it has really been such a blessing to have a soul sister here to share in both the joys and trials (haha, at first, I put "travails," then looked it up to make sure; "the pains of childbirth." Yeah, nope, not using that word...) of Spain.
Cheers to what has been, what continues to be, and all that still lies ahead!
This blog entry would equal the length of a full set of encyclopedias were I to list even a selection of all we have shared since then. But in short (well, sort of), a flurry of divine providence and spring quarter extravaganzas freshman year catalyzed the plethora of events that compose our history, which continues as we speak. People thought we were inseparable last year, we may as well have been physically attached at the hip, serving some amazing freshmen on IV Dorm Team with 21 other incredible Bible Study leaders, living in the most frequently visited second-year apartment (I recall hardly going to anyone else's apartment because everyone was always over at ours! Who could blame them...), essentially joint-owning Frankers, attending church and well, pretty much everything else together every week...clearly, our audiences and fan clubs didn't realize how much more lay ahead though.
Since then, we have left America in our dust (the sparkly glitter stuff is Sierra's) and trekked across few a states and an ocean. Together, of course. [Our decisions to come here were certainly made separately and individually though. Don't worry, we're not psychotically co-dependent.] And here we are, half-way around the world, reveling in a myriad of adventures, and sharing memories of lifetime durability. Not only are we in Spain together, we actually share a room and it has been like a ridiculous five month-long sleepover.
Granted, we definitely had to face and work through some serious muck the first month we moved into our apartment. But as we have discovered, the imperfections and struggles have resulted in the priceless refinement and strengthening our friendship. Sorry, if your stomach is churning at the sappiness, but it has really been such a blessing to have a soul sister here to share in both the joys and trials (haha, at first, I put "travails," then looked it up to make sure; "the pains of childbirth." Yeah, nope, not using that word...) of Spain.
Cheers to what has been, what continues to be, and all that still lies ahead!
GAHHHH. you two are so cute. just stop it already.
ohhh myyy gawwwwwsshhh:)
HAHAHA. dang lauren. in that one picture you look indian....
but anyways. that is so mushy i don't believe you wrote it. SIERRA STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE YOU GUYS ACTUALLY LIKE EACH OTHERRR. .....
i just barfed a little bit in my mouth
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